Monday, January 6, 2014

1/4/2014. Birds of Galilee RI

               Today I went to Galilee RI to look for a continuing Iceland Gull. While driving through Galilee Bird Sanctuary I saw a white bird in a tree. My mom did a U-Turn and I got this.

Snowy Owl

Pumped by our success, we continued to Galilee Harbor to look for the Iceland Gull. When we got to the Salty Brine Beach parking lot we were greeted by Herring, Ring Billed, and Great Black Backed Gulls. In the water, there were also Common Loons and Common Eiders. No sign of the Iceland Gull yet.

Common Loon

We continued walking down into Galilee looking for the gull when we stumbled upon a group of lots of gulls. For sure the Iceland Gull was in here. Nope. Once we got back to the Salty Brine Beach parking lot I decided to go on the the beach for a minute to see if there was a Sanderling or two. There was one Sanderling.


When I was walking back to the car you will not believe what I saw next. There was an Iceland Gull flying over me! Because of the quick notice I was not able to get a picture, but hey. I still saw an Iceland Gull! After our success we started home. When we passed by Roger Wheeler Beach, Narragansett RI. I saw that there were Snow Buntings in the parking lot.

Snow Bunting

After that we went home only to get more bird alerts about the Snowy Owl at Galilee Bird Sanctuary. Been there, done that.


  1. Nice start to your blog! Please look at my blog too!

  2. First of all - good start! I like your sense of humor in the last sentence!

    Secondly - I'd like to give you a few tips for a successful blog.

    You posted good, interesting pictures, but try to post more pictures next time.

    Good job on narrating the trip using minimal words - remember to keep your word count low so you don't lose the reader's attention!

    It's also always good to list the birds that you saw at the start of the post.

    Btw, are you sure it was an Iceland with that short a sighting?

    Good luck with your blog, and I will be reading it in the future!

    My blog:
